A personal journal should ‘cover your back’ in today’s world on contradicting values.
When documenting a truthful account, consider the following hints:
* Include the complete date (day, month, year) – always!
* Include First and Last names of those your write about.
* Detailed descriptions are essential for contentious events
* Acknowledge blessings and gratitude
* Credit for other’s kindnesses shown to you
* Injustices against you or others – include details
* Remember empathy and forgiveness
* Locations, who you were with, and time there
* Any unusual event
* Weather
* Current events
* Evaluations – what can I learn from this?
* Consequences of decisions
* What worked out
* What didn’t work out
* Spiritual feelings, inspiration, warnings
* Miracles
What you write today may provide evidence needed years from now. Your journal is a witness for your life. Live it well.